Find relevant keywords for SEO-optimized
listings and PPC campaigns

Sellers Hideout Academy

Skyrocket Your Traffic With
High-Volume Keywords

Not sure what keywords to include in your product listings and
manual PPC campaigns? The Keywords Tool generates
thousands of relevant keywords searched for by millions of
Amazon shoppers. Improve your visibility, drive traffic to your
listings, and get to page one with high-performing keywords.

Get Reliable Keyword Insights

The Keywords tool provides important information about
keywords so that you can use the data as actionable points for your
SEO and PPC strategy. Discover the estimated monthly
search volume for both main keywords and keyword
suggestions. Find out how the keyword has performed over time
with the Seasonality Indicator. Ascertain how relevant the
keyword is to your product with the Relevancy Score.

Refine Your Search With
Advanced Filters

Find the best keywords that match your criteria with our
advanced filters. Customize your search with filters such as
monthly search volume, smart score, and keywords to include
or exclude.

Uncover hidden potential

We help you find keywords in the sweet spot: high demand and
low supply. Keywords are awarded a Smart Score to guide you in
choosing keywords with high search volume and a low number of
competing sellers.

Rise Through The
Ranks With The Best Keywords

Successful Sellers Take Keyword Research Seriously

People often say that finding the right product is the most important factor for a successful Amazon business.

But that’s only partly true.

The key to success on Amazon is more than just a solid product research strategy. You may have a winning, high-quality product but that won’t matter if your product cannot be found by potential customers. Without visibility, you won’t make a lot of sales.

So, how do you ensure customers find your product?

By using keywords in your product listing that are relevant to the search terms typed in the Amazon search engine.

How does Amazon determine which listing is relevant?

The keywords in your product listings have to closely match the product search. The Amazon A9 Algorithm takes note of the keywords used in the title, description, bullet points, and back-end keywords of your product listing.

Keywords are also important for manual for PPC campaigns. For manual campaigns, you have to provide the keywords; your product ad will only appear if the customer's search query matches your keywords.

So, how do you find these all-important keywords that Amazon shoppers are typing in the search box every minute?

zon keyword

Find and Attract The Best Keywords Like A Magnet

The Sellers Hideout Keywords tool is the best place for your keyword research. With
Keywords, you can uncover tons of high-volume, high-performing keywords to include
in your product listing.

amazon keywords tool

Other cool things you can do with
the Keywords tool:

  • Export your search results to a CSV file
  • Search for keywords in the US, UK, Canada, Spain, Germany, and Italy Marketplaces

Ready to Start Keyword Research?

Frequently Asked Questions

A. Amazon keyword research is the process of searching for all the relevant keywords that shoppers use to find your product on Amazon. After finding these keywords, you include them in your listings to build rank using Amazon’s A9 Algorithm. This helps to increase your product’s visibility, drive traffic to your page and put you on Page 1 of search results.

A. You will be able to see the estimated monthly search volume and historical search trends of the main keyword. In addition, the Keywords tool provides a useful metric called a Smart Score, which is the relationship between the search volume and the number of competing sellers. The Keywords Tool also generates tons of keywords suggestions that are related to the main keyword, alongside their estimated monthly search volume, smart score, and relevancy score.

A. It’s important to carefully analyze the data the Keywords Tool provides. You could select keywords with high monthly search volume, high smart score (low competition), and high relevance to your product.

Another great way to find the best keywords is to search your keyword criteria, using advanced filters, such as monthly search volume, smart score, and keywords to include or exclude.